When Avery was born, he had to spend 12 days in the NICU. It was a trying time for all 3 of us. Billy and I spent most of every day in the hospital with him. There were alarms chiming 'round the clock and some of the worst furniture EVER!! Avery was hooked up to several machines to make sure he was stable and it seemed like every time we moved him or held him, we pulled on some cord. We were measuring his food by the ML and weighing every diaper he produced like NASA scientists. While we were there, some of Avery's personality emerged. He seemed just as ready to go home as we were. One morning, while I was talking to the doctor during rounds, he actually removed his own feeding tube and waved it in his fist until the doctor took notice. Her response? "Oh! Well! He removed his feeding tube! And that's okay. He doesn't need it anymore anyway." Nice.
He also constantly tried to remove his oxygen, but turns out he still needs that.
The day we left, he sat in his car seat and waved bye bye to the NICU. We're grateful for all the support we got from the staff in the NICU, but man, our couch sure feels good. There's no place like home!!
Yay for growing. Grow Avery Grow!!