Saturday, November 10, 2012

Trick or Treat!

 Avery is kind of getting big enough to enjoy holidays. Kind of. This year we decided to try Trick or Treating. It's kind of a big deal here in our neighborhood. LOTS of kiddos come to our door and we love to see their costumes and give them kindness and candy. We had this awesome skunk suit from my nieces. He's super cute in it and it was free. He thinks its a dogga suit though. Everything is a dogga. He got pretty excited to go and get candy. When I told him that he needed to hang onto his (Easter basket) bag because people were gonna give him candy, he held onto it like a drowning man to a life line. We only went to about seven houses, all around ours. That was enough candy and about as much excitement as he could handle at 7:00 pm. Billy was able to come home for about 12 hours and go with us, so it was a nice time.

I'm not sure about these paws...

Come on! Let's go!


I'm ready!


Trick or Treat!

Nom nom nom!!


Candy daze... 

What have we here?

No need to unwrap it. 

1 comment:

  1. The view from the back is the best. He is a little "stinker". :) love, love, love.
