Saturday, November 10, 2012

Children's Museum

We took Avery to the Children's Museum of Denver for his birthday. We'd never been there before, and there were lots of things for us to do. It was a little crazy, but overall, we had fun. Avery told me he had a good day and that his favorite thing to do was 'drive drive.' It was fun to see him have such a good time, and it made me proud to see what a good sharer he was and watch him wait patiently for his turn. He is such a kind little boy. I know that there will probably be times that he makes mistakes or bad choices. That he may be the one throwing toys or pushing people down. No one's perfect, after all. But he was pretty close to perfect today. Here's some of the things that we did.
One room was set up like a fire house. It was complete with a fire truck
(which I didn't get a pic of) that had working lights and sirens. They
had fireman clothes, hoses, a dalmatian and a pole to slide down.
Avery loved driving the truck and waited so politely for his turn.
Bubble room. He was dressed like a mad scientist.
Billy made huge bubbles and Avery made small ones with vapor.

The art room had all kinds of different materials to use.
Avery wanted to paint (with his hands of course).

The Kinetics Room was pretty cool. It had lots of motion activities
all over the room with these orange balls. Avery found a
'steering wheel' and even shared with a little lady. 

This was the nature play-scape. He wanted to dress like a squirrel
and we climbed through tunnels and over large tree roots.
We liked the train room. It was quiet. 

This is the veterinarian's office. Avery loved finding all the pretend
doggas and even shared with several other kids.

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