Saturday, October 27, 2012

Run Billy Run!

Billy has lost quite a bit of weight over the summer. Almost 100 lbs! He probably wouldn't appreciate me blabbing that on the world wide web because he doesn't like to make a big deal of it, but I'm proud of him!! He has been running a lot and has run in three races this fall. He's done well. Always shaving time off of his previous times. I always take lots of pictures and it embarrasses him.
Embarrassed at my picture taking while stretchin' in out.

Someone's carbo-loading.

Avery likes to stretch it out too!

The latest race he did was a Heels for Hope race in OKC. We flew in and met up with his dad and sister and his brother drove down from OSU. They all did great and it was special for them to run together. Billy's dad and brother actually won medals and everything. After this, we all went and really carbo-loaded at the Cracker Barrel with giant stacks of pancakes. After that, I hated myself, but life goes on. We're proud of you guys!

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