Monday, February 6, 2012

Snow Ice Cream!

Our back yard with 18" of snow this weekend.
Since there has been soooo much snow here, we decided to make some snow ice cream. It seemed like a good idea since we couldn't go out to play. Avery has been sick and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't enjoy being in snow up to his chest. I found a recipe online that just required stuff that I already had on hand, and it turned out pretty good.
  • For 4 servings you need:
  • 8 cups snow
  • 1/2 cup white sugar
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 very eager helper

Just mix everything together and enjoy! We did a half batch, since there's only 2 of us.

Eager helper...check!

The finished product. It's not fancy, but it was fun to make and easy
enough for my 14 month old to be involved.

Mmm... This is during the morning nap time we're
trying to phase out, so he looks a little out of it.

This is how Avery praises the Lord. He had an impromptu  praise
session in the middle of snack time.

Oh empty ice cream bowl, I love you. And I'm really
missing my nap.

Snow ice cream is "Goodah!" 

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