For several months now, whenever anyone says, "Praise the Lord!" Avery throws his pudgy little arms up and smiles really big. A couple of days ago, I was holding Avery and talking to Billy. Without thinking, I said "Praise the Lord" to something that Billy said. Avery threw his hands up. It struck me as really funny. Anytime Avery hears 'Lord', this is what he does. It's super cute.
I got a new Bible from my parents for Christmas. It's leather bound and has really shiny gold pages. I keep it by my chair so that I can get to it easily to read. Avery seems to really be captivated by it. He tries to get it off the table, and I redirect him to HIS Bible. We keep it on a shelf in the living room for time to pull down whenever he wants. He calls it his Bi bi. He loves to fiercely turn the pages. They may get ruined along the way, but I think it's more important that he grows up knowing that time Bible, and more importantly, God is accessible to him. Pretty much every morning he gets out his Bibi and looks at the pages while I read to him from my Bible. We've been doing Proverbs, and sometimes it's Avery who reminds ME to get out my Bible. He's a good boy!