Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fresh Air...Take 2

So, I decided to try to get some fresh air again a couple of days ago. The weather has just been too nice for the last three days to stay inside ALL day. The highs have been in the upper 60' January. CRAZY! In a couple of days, the HIGH is supposed to be -1. We would be dumb to not go on a walk right?? Well, it went MUCH better this time. No wardrobe changes before we left, I just plopped him in the car seat, hooked it up to the stroller, and we were out the door before Avery even knew what was going on. I think he enjoyed our little jaunt. He looked at the sky like it was the first time he'd ever seen it. And then I realized it was. Before, when we've taken him out, he's always been completely covered with a blanket. He just rode along and looked around. He was also very helpful and carried the mail.  

Monday, January 24, 2011


So, Avery and I have basically been in the house for the last 2 months with the exception of going to doctor appointments. I know I'm a little crazy, but it's RSV season... and apparently, here in Denver, it's also measles season. So, we've been playing it safe and staying off the grid. A couple of days ago, I just COULDN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! I thought it would be a good idea for both of us to get some fresh air. My BRILLIANT plan was to take a walk in the stroller to the mail box. It's only a block away from the house, and I didn't expect to see any germy people. The weather was supposed to be the warmest all week (a balmy 47 degrees), so I thought I'd put him in this snow suit we got for one of our showers. I thought it would be perfect because he couldn't kick it off like he would a blanket.

See for yourself how the snow suit went over. It's so fluffy, he couldn't put his arms down. After I got him buckled in, he went babytonic and I was kinda scared he was gonna kick the bucket, so we just took the snow suit off and stayed in. FRESH AIR FAIL.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Watch me grow!

Dec. 8- One month old and still a week premature.

Jan. 8- Two months old.

Feb. 8- Three months old and off oxygen! 

March 8- Four months old.
This month he discovered his feet, tried cereal for the first time, lost most of his hair, and gained better control of his head and neck!

June 8- 6 months old

Gangsta Gang Gangsta...

Every year for last several years, my grandma has given us cash and an ornament for Christmas. With the grand kids getting married and having kids, the family has grown a lot. It's good for her because she can go to the bank and have her "shopping" done for all of us, and it's nice for us because her gift is always something we really have been wanting and it's always the right size. We took a picture of Avery with his cash. He looks like a gangsta and he is pretty hard core...he spent his clams on some sweet onsies.

Head in the sand...

Avery's new favorite way to sleep is with his head buried in my armpit and his hand in my shirt. If he's had trouble napping that day, I pick him up to rock him and inevitably, he ends up like this.  I'm always afraid that he'll asphyxiate, but he seems to do fine.
I think it's pretty stinkin' cute.