Saturday, December 1, 2012

This is how WE roll!

Here's a glimpse of what life is like in our life. Avery's getting funnier and his personality is coming out more and more. Here are some random pics that I've snapped over the last week. Enjoy!
He's obsessed with trash trucks right now. (That's one in his hand.)
He dressed himself this day to go to Wal-Mart where we bought yet another trash truck.

Teddy and Dogga were riding in his car when they were both
sent to time out. I am not sure what their offense was. All Avery said
was that they were naughty.
You do the crime, you do the time. Ave runs a tight ship!
Avery recently discovered how to put socks on.  My
socks. He also dressed himself in this pic.

No more pics mom. I've got to rest!
These boots were made for walkin'...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

It's a PAW-TY!

We celebrated Avery's second birthday on the 9th this year. Shayne was able to come visit and we went to the children's museum and then had a Happy Meal, a NAP, cake and presents. It was fun this year. He got into it and enjoyed opening gifts, eating cake and playing with his new toys. He was like any other kid about clothes though. Just threw down the box and moved on to the next one. I, however, am very thankful for the clothes. He was limping along on hand-me-downs from his cousins (who are girls) and some strategically purchased Wal-Mart bargains. It was really fun to see him have such a good time and enjoy everything so much. It made all the horrible toy assembly and destroying of two cakes worth it. Below are some pics of our day.  
 1.) I sent invitations to the grandparents for a Skype party. They taped their dog ears to a headband and called us for the present opening. 2.) The set-up. 3.) Dog cake pops. They looked like they had the mange and there are about a thousand of them because I destroyed two cakes and was too stupid to throw away my $5.00 worth of ingredients and 30 minutes of time. I had to make way more work for myself than was necessary. 4.) Happy Birthday Avery banner. He has a serious balloon phobia, so I didn't want anything even remotely circular hanging around. 5.) Dogga cake. I am not a professional baker. I just love a boy who LOVES doggas. It tastes better than it looks. The bottom is vanilla cake with butter cream frosting. The dog face is chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting and the ears are chocolate on chocolate. 6.) Dogga decoration/toy and Scooby snacks.

The first thing Avery saw when he came downstairs was the tricycle. Uncle Shayne came to town and got him this. He LOVED it! He calls it his 'doe-buh-doe-buh-doe'. He rode it ALL. DAY. LONG. We actually had to put it away so he would open his other presents.

1.) Grandparents Skyping in for the party! 2.) Cake!! 3.) Enjoying his very own can of Fresca! 4.) Another big hit! He LOVES to "drive drive." and cried when he had to get out to eat dinner. Maybe we should've had Sonic. 5.) New shoes and playing with the dogga. 6.)  Put his own ears on after cake. He was so proud of himself. 7.) Blowing out his candles. 8.) Driving us to the Children's Museum. 9.) Crashed before the paw-ty. Took a three hour nap and woke up reeeeaaaaaady tooo paaaaarrrrrrrrrrrtaaaaaaaaay!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Children's Museum

We took Avery to the Children's Museum of Denver for his birthday. We'd never been there before, and there were lots of things for us to do. It was a little crazy, but overall, we had fun. Avery told me he had a good day and that his favorite thing to do was 'drive drive.' It was fun to see him have such a good time, and it made me proud to see what a good sharer he was and watch him wait patiently for his turn. He is such a kind little boy. I know that there will probably be times that he makes mistakes or bad choices. That he may be the one throwing toys or pushing people down. No one's perfect, after all. But he was pretty close to perfect today. Here's some of the things that we did.
One room was set up like a fire house. It was complete with a fire truck
(which I didn't get a pic of) that had working lights and sirens. They
had fireman clothes, hoses, a dalmatian and a pole to slide down.
Avery loved driving the truck and waited so politely for his turn.
Bubble room. He was dressed like a mad scientist.
Billy made huge bubbles and Avery made small ones with vapor.

The art room had all kinds of different materials to use.
Avery wanted to paint (with his hands of course).

The Kinetics Room was pretty cool. It had lots of motion activities
all over the room with these orange balls. Avery found a
'steering wheel' and even shared with a little lady. 

This was the nature play-scape. He wanted to dress like a squirrel
and we climbed through tunnels and over large tree roots.
We liked the train room. It was quiet. 

This is the veterinarian's office. Avery loved finding all the pretend
doggas and even shared with several other kids.