Here's a glimpse of what life is like in our life. Avery's getting funnier and his personality is coming out more and more. Here are some random pics that I've snapped over the last week. Enjoy!
He's obsessed with trash trucks right now. (That's one in his hand.) He dressed himself this day to go to Wal-Mart where we bought yet another trash truck. |
Teddy and Dogga were riding in his car when they were both sent to time out. I am not sure what their offense was. All Avery said was that they were naughty. |
You do the crime, you do the time. Ave runs a tight ship! |
Avery recently discovered how to put socks on. My socks. He also dressed himself in this pic. |
No more pics mom. I've got to rest! |
These boots were made for walkin'... |