Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Aquarium Trip

After Billy was done with training, we decided to have a little "staycation" and relax together as a family. We have a really good aquarium here, and I thought Avery might be old enough to enjoy it. I was wrong. He didn't really get it. Mostly he just liked the steps and the trash can and an empty tank. Oh well. We had fun being together. Here's some of the highlights:
Daddy and Avery!

The empty tank exhibit was a big hit with Avery.

When salmon attack...

Under the sea...

A strange sea creature and its young...

Feeding time...

Avery's favorite exhibit.

Well, hello there.

His absolute favorite exhibit. He would've done this ALL day...
We realized it would've been cheaper to just go to the park...
or find a random set of stairs somewhere...like at our house.

Hi everyone!

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Throne

We were at Mimi and Poppy's house when Avery discovered The Throne. He had never seen a potty like this before, and in his defense, it was sitting in the toy room. I knew it had been bleached very thoroughly because my MIL is as germaphobic as I am. :)  Avery just could not believe his good fortune when he found a hat in his seat! This kept him busy for about two days. He sat here constantly. He's such a goof!

<< Rewind

I found this picture on my mother-in-law's camera. It was taken last summer during our first visit to Marlow with Avery. He's SO bald! And chubby.
A year later, here he is. What a difference a year makes!


Lil' Stinker!

Family Time!

A couple of months ago, we visited our family in Oklahoma while Billy was training for two months in Houston. It was really good to see everyone. We spent some time in Perry and some time in Marlow. We had a good time reconnecting with our family.

Avery thought the arm rest covers at Grandma's made the best hats.
He also loved the circular clothes basket.
Grandma's house is fun!!

Conspiring with Poppy!

Story time with Grammy!
This is a doll stroller. Reese takes such good care of Avery.
She even humors him with his stroller rides.


Schwimmin with the cousins!
They are so cute!!

Riley was showing me her missing teeth!
She is so pretty!
Look at this cute girl!
She's rockin' Poppy's boots.

Intorducing the newest member of the family--
Michael Jacob!! He was 4 months old in this pic.
He is so sweet and cute and CHUBBY!! I love


Avery was "helping" me fold the laundry the other day when he decided to get REALLY involved and try on some panties. BAHAHAHA! He wore them for a long time. I know I'm awful for posting this...and I don't care. Enjoy everyone. Enjoy. 
He was so proud of himself for figuring out how to get them on.