Thursday, July 26, 2012

Happy Easter 2012

We got to spend Easter in Oklahoma this year. It was great to be with family to celebrate. Here is Avery in his Easter outfit. He went business cas. this year.

Before we left for Oklahoma, we had our own mini celebration where we hid too many eggs filled with teddy grahams in plain sight in our back yard. It turned out to be more like clean up time than an egg hunt. Live and learn I guess... Also, ants remarkably fast egg hunters when those eggs are filled with tiny bear shaped cookies.

Here's an egg!

I love teddy grahams!

Testing Testing...Is this thing on?

Since he's been born, I feel like Avery has been through many many medical tests. Thankfully, he has had amazingly clear results for ALL of them! The latest was a CT scan. And by 'latest', I mean March. I know that was a long time ago, but I've been technically challenged and unable to blog for a LONG time. But I digress...The actual procedure only lasted about 15 minutes, but because he is a squirmy toddler, he had to be under anesthesia. That's always hard...for me and Billy...Avery goes through it like a champion.
Here he is in his fire truck jammers. He has no idea what's about to happen.
Just woke up in recovery. He has no idea what just happened.

All he knows is that this orange pedialite is GOO-OOD!
  We thought we would go to the park and have some fun after our long and arduous morning, so we put him in some hot pants and hit the road.  Avery was apparently overcome with fatigue mid- swing.
We got the results of the CT scan a couple of weeks later. His ear canal is formed well and there are no tumors or anything else of concern in there. PRAISE THE LORD! Also, he finally passed his hearing test on his right side, so that's another miracle! We thank God every day for how healthy and happy he is. We are blessed.