Friday, January 13, 2012

Whirlwind Christmas

Here are some highlights from our whirlwind Christmas trip. We had a good time but it was a little crazy. We had four Christmas celebrations in two days and that's a lotta celebration.
Overwhelmed on Christmas morning.

On the way to Nanny's. The car was full of men. 

Very full.
Catching a floor nap at Aunt Debbie's.

Christmas night at Grammy and Grandpa's. He got a cool tent!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Here are a couple pics of Avery and his cousins on Christmas Eve. Riley and Reese take really good care of him and he LOVES them! 

We'll be home for Christmas...

We went back to Oklahoma for Christmas. The flights were late and full. Before we got on the plane, we let our newly walking toddler burn off some steam... not enough, but some. It was super cute to see him walking through the airport in his jammers. He really liked walking with daddy somewhere that wasn't our house. I snapped a couple of pics while they did laps.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Tambourine Man

Avery really likes noisy things, so one of his Christmas presents from us was this little percussion set. It's loud and he loves it. Billy was excited to show Avery how fun it could be. Here's how that went...
Getting everything out of the packaging. They are both pretty excited.

Avery is captivated by Billy's skills.

Two seconds later, this happened. Merry Christmas.

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Iron Chef

A few days ago, I decided to make some pudding for us to snack on. Avery was pretty interested and so I thought he could watch me make it. He immediately got involved. Really involved. He seemed very concerned about the quality of the finished product and decided to check it out for us. 
Mom. This needs work.

I'd better check it again.

I guess this'll work.