Wednesday, December 14, 2011

ZOO Lights!

We started a new tradition this year, we braved the cold last night with our good friend Heather and went to the Zoo Lights. It was lots of fun. Avery did really good considering that he's usually in bed 30 minutes after we started. He really seemed to like the fire dancers. Sadly, I didn't get any pics of them. Another highlight was the carousel ride shown below... 
Avery and Heather!

Avery's a little unsure about this cassowary. It's fierce!  
Starting to crash.

First family photo!!

Waiting for the "fire mancers"...

Merry Christmas!

Hang Loose!

Happy Birthday to Avery!!

I can't believe that a year (well 13 months) has already passed! It goes even faster than all the well-meaning-advice-givers say. With the exception of the first 12 days when he was in the NICU, I have wanted time to SLOW DOWN. I love this boy more than I ever thought possible. (And I thought I would love him a lot.) We celebrated by pretty much partying all month long. Avery ate lots of cake (and let's be honest, so did I). He's so smart and funny and somehow, miraculously, he manages to get cuter every day. I can't wait to see what the next year brings! I love you Avery Jay!


Juust hangin' out...

Bring that cake over here!! 
That's better!

Happy Birthday to ME!!

Best. Toy. Ever.

One more reason...

...we are alike.
Are they done yet?!


Our Hog!

Bill told me he had bought a bike on Craig's List. He went to pick it up and came back all excited about his new treasure. He said he needed a new project...and a 'crash pad scooter' since he's working at a different base now. When I went unsuspectingly out the the garage, this is what I found. Soo... Sturgis here we come! 

Fall Was Upon Us...

I know it's been a loooooong time since I last blogged. Here's what we've been up to in the past couple of months. In October, it was so nice that we had to enjoy some time outside. Avery really enjoyed discovering the leaves.

Avery loves to watch the cars go down the street!

Avery loves this pumpkin. He especially loves the metal leaves.

Hooray for fall!