Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Bath time!

Avery used to hate bath time, but a few months ago it really seemed to relax him and now he loves all things bath. He tries to grab the water, he splashes, he squeaks the duckies and tries to eat the soap. Kill me now. He's sooo cute!
Testing the temp...

It's good!

He would cover himself up with his ducky and do
this fake smile every time we would say his name.

He loves the bath!

Drying off...

The finished product.

Best. Cousins. Ever.

This month, we had a family reunion. Avery's cousins came and stayed with us for a few days and we went to the mountains for the reunion. Riley and Reese took such good care of Avery while they were here. He LOVED  them!

Riley 'held' him. It's a miracle she looks so happy because I think he weighs about half of what she does.
Reese fed him his breakfast...

And kept him company. 

Riley read him some stories at a bookstore where we stopped. She's smart. She's been to school.  

And she held his bottle.

They also gave him every toy in the house. Riley said "Happy birthday Avery! See how much everybody loves you?!!" Avery has the Best cousins. ever. I tried to get them to stay with me, but they said their mama would be too sad. They were probably right. We sure do miss them though.

Homemade Ball Pit

I brought the pool in to clean it and Avery LOVED hanging out in there. I threw some balls in and he was busy for like 5 minutes...which is like 3 hours in human time. 

Hey mom! This ain't Chuck E. Cheese!

Tired Baby!

This is how I found Avery after our Wal-Mart trip the other morning. His big ol' punkin head won't stay back in his new seat. Poor baby must've been really tired to fall asleep like this!

Mr. Domestic

Lately, Avery has been very interested in all the household chores...especially the laundry. Since he's more mobile now, he likes to go into the laundry room and just stare at his beloved washer and dryer. I have caught him in the act several times. 

Someday soon, I'm going to teach him how to fold the clothes. His wife will LOVE me one day. 

Saturday, July 2, 2011

First Flight!

We recently went to Oklahoma for my dad's birthday. He said the only thing he wanted for his birthday and Father's Day was to hold Avery. When a guy asks for that, how can you turn him down? Since we recently drove, and I haven't had enough time to forget how awful that was, we flew this time. We were nervous about how the trip would be on Avery to fly standby, but he was AWESOME! He seemed to love everything about the experience. From the 'culture' in the airport to the tasty boarding passes and gate check tags. His favorite thing by far was sitting in the plane and touching EVERYTHING before we took off. He might as well have just licked the entire cabin and gotten it over with. During the flights, he drank his bottles and then passed out. I guess flying must be in his blood. Here are some highlights. 

Looking outside is sooo interesting!
Ooh I like this!
Flying is so fun!

Dinner Date

Our friends in Oklahoma have a baby girl who is 4 days younger than Avery. When we visit home, we like to get them together to play. This is how it went. Ironically, I had a talk with him about being polite and not eating his friends before she arrived. She does have two teeth, which is about one and a half more than he has here, so his look is warranted. Since this picture pretty much says it all, I'll stop here.