Thursday, June 16, 2011

Chuck Wagon!

This past month, we started Avery on solids. He is usually a big eater, but when it comes to avocados, he gets   pretty emotional. He HATES them. I've been trying to mix them with other things, but he always knows. I've decided that once they're gone, they're gone. Here's why...

I decided that maybe if he could feed himself, he would like them better. Mom of the year right?! Wrong! 
Here's how that went...
The aftermath...Avocado is EVERYWHERE!

Squash is a different story. He can't get enough! The bib says it all. 

This is the same baby!

Well, this week, we got Avery a big boy seat for the car. He's currently tipping the scales at 21lbs, and the old seat was only rated for 22lbs. What a difference 7 months makes! When we brought him home, he was under 6lbs and looked more like a doll than the big baby he is now. I can't believe he's growing up so fast!