Saturday, April 30, 2011


Avery received this big orange ball for Christmas. As you can see, it was bigger than him and he wasn't that impressed at the time. 
He loves his ball now! Every time I give it to him, he puts his feet up and holds it like he's exercising with a yoga ball. He's working so hard!

Easter photo shoot

When we went home, Avery's favorite Aunt and Uncle got him a super cute Easter outfit! We thought it would be a good idea to take some pics with the was a little rough but some turned out pretty good.  
As you can see, Avery refuses to smile and REALLY enjoys sacking out on Riley. Reese even had to get in on the action and helped hold Avery up. This turned into this...
The girls are doing so good while Avery is like a schlub! Poor Riley is trying to support all 18lbs of her cousin and is grinning through the pain. She's like "He's so heavy! My arms!" Shortly after this photo shoot, she said, "So, I guess there are regular babies and there are giant babies. Avery is just a giant baby." She's right, these are the facts of life.
Pretty ladies!

Since Avery had so much trouble acting like he was a normal human baby with a skeleton, I decided to take some extra Easter pics when we got back home to Denver. They worked a little better because he decided he wanted to sit up on his own!!
He's surprising himself with his skills! 

Cute boy!

Happy baby!

Family Tree

Recently, Avery met almost all of his extended family. Billy's Grandma, Papa and Aunt Cindy came for a visit and then we went for a visit to Oklahoma to meet the rest of the fam. Avery really loves all his family! Here are some highlights...

Avery and Grandma Vi... They are BFF! She taught him how to do

Avery and Aunt Cindy. He's having loads of fun
here because she just fed him!

With Grandma...He was super excited the first time he saw
her, but unfortunately, we weren't ready with the camera. 

Avery with Nanny. She's so comforting, he fell

Billy with our niecey Reesey--they are super cute!

Riley and Reese stole a horse ride on Uncle Billy Jay.

Avery really listens when Grandpa talks. Grandpa teaches him
important things, like how to make awesome omelets.

Avery and Grammy- they have lots of fun!

Juuust One of the Guys...

I sat Avery in his rocker so I could do some stuff in the nursery. He was just one in the crowd...

Cool Dude

We found these sunglasses at Target...they're like baby Ray-Bans! Avery loves them because whenever the sun touches any part of him, he freaks out like a weirdo. Now that the sun is out of his eyes, he's much happier.

Hard work...

Billy and I have been working on our yard for a couple of months now. We started with nothing and have put in several plants. It's been a lot of work for all of us--Avery included. Here is Avery hard at work.

Petite Picasso

For Easter, I got Avery some tiny markers. He gets really surprised when he can do things, so I thought he would like to make marks when he waves his arms like a maniac. I was right. He loves the markers. He thinks they're DELICIOUS.